‘Environmental actions for the EU sheep sector’: first meeting with DGs AGRI and CLIMA and the European Network for Rural Development

Autonomous Region of Sardinia - Rond Point Schuman, 14

Brussels - 23 January 2019

The meeting ‘Environmental actions for the EU sheep sector’ opens a collaborative process between representatives of the Directorate-Generals for Agriculture and Rural Development and for Climate Action, of the European Network for Rural Development and the partnerships of European projects working on environmental and climate issues related to livestock and dairy farming, with a specific focus on the sheep sector.

The event is promoted by the SheepToShip LIFE project, and will be held the 23 January 2019 at the premises of the regional office of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia in Brussels, which represents the interface between the Region and the EU institutions, and the Italian Permanent Representative at the EU and other institutional actors operating in Brussels. The event is meant to be the first in a series of consultation meetings and exchanges aimed at channelling the agri-environmental good practices and innovations developed by European projects into specific measures and guidelines within the next Rural Development Plans.

Donatella Spano, Councillor for the Environment of the Region Sardinia, will open proceedings, followed by a presentation of the main results and sustainability factors of the projects SheepToShip LIFE, LIFE Forage4Climate, SheepNet (H2020), DairyClim LIFE and Inno4Grass (H2020). After the speeches and comments of the representatives of EU´s Directorate-Generals for Agriculture and Rural Development, for Climate Action and of the European Network for Rural Development, the meeting will close with an open debate to try and lay the foundations for future cooperation and dialogue with European institutions.

Pierpaolo Duce, responsible of the Institute of Biometeorology of the National Research Council of Italy and Project Officer of SheepToShip LIFE, will chair the event.

Event programme and information




With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
LIFE 15 CCM/IT/000123

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